Types of Posts


 Dressed for Less
These posts will consist of outfits for various occasions that are all less than or equal to $200. Not only are the outfits less than that, they will also be used over again to show the diversity of each piece so that when you buy it, it can be for more than one purpose, making the purchase, no matter the price, worth every penny!

Count Down To School Overview
Okay. This is the summer before my senior year. So, I'm officially a high school senior! Anyways, this year my family gives me "free reign" over my school clothes. My budget is $500-550. It's a recession, and I've got at least $200 or more of senior stuff to buy. Besides, the less I spend now, maybe the more they'll spend on prom? That's something to ponder upon.

Anyways, I'll be counting down the weeks until school starts. More than likely, school will start August 5th (on a friday, ugh). So today will be the first week. Each week I'll be posting a few items or an outfit that I want for school, along with the price and where I'll be getting them from.

My style is not consistent. That means, some days I'll post up florals and ruffles and the next it'll be studs and band tees. I feel as though I'm too young to be tied down to a style, so let's explore all of them!